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Does Hemp Keep You Warm?

With winter fast approaching, we need to be prepared! It is essential to get snow tires; winterize your home and ensure you have the proper clothing to keep warm. Enjoying winter requires having clothing that will keep you warm, dry and comfortable.

Hemp will do just that. This remarkable plant can be woven into various materials including denim, canvas, jersey and fleece. Hemp has a unique ability to keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Hemp material is made from long strands of fibre woven together to produce strong and durable fabric. Just what we need to endure the long, winter months!
Hemp is the optimum performance fabric for winter. It’s ability to regulate body temperature means that it will insulate you to keep you warm, but it will also whisk moisture away from the body keeping you dry. If you are anything like me, my body temperature can fluctuate drastically. One minute I can be shivering and the next sweating uncontrollably. Hemp keeps me comfortable through it all!

Hemp is not just great because of its thermoregulating properties. Being antibacterial and antimicrobial, it keeps odours at bay. Ever get that funky smell when wearing a wool seater? Yuk! Because it prevents odours, hemp clothing does not need to be washed as frequently. Now there’s a bonus! It also gets softer with each wear. No more scratchy acrylic clothing! Hemp clothing is static resistant which is awesome in our over-heated dry houses.
I love my hemp clothing from Efforts Eco-Essentials. Not only does it benefit me, but it benefits the earth because of its sustainability. There is a demand for more conscious choices in the fashion industry and hemp is quickly becoming that choice.

Go to to to check out their wide range of fashions and accessories available for both men and women.

Efforts Eco Essentials has a wide variety of hemp and bamboo clothing styles to choose from for both men and women at very reasonable prices. They also have the fabrics for sale as well, and they will ship anywhere in North America.

For more information you can contact them directly;
(866) 391-8601

Makers of Hemp/Bamboo Clothes

since 1994

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